Community Service
There are many ways campers can become involved in community service at Arcadia. The Junior Unit has visited the Retirement home in Casco to sing songs and provide some comic relief. All campers can join the Casco Day parade to raise environmental awareness about Pleasant Lake and keeping Maine beautiful. Campers also participate in a weekly camp clean-up and learn about conserving water and resources at camp. The Counselor Training Group raises money over the summer for a special cause, such as giving other children the opportunity to attend summer camp.

Inter-Camp Activities
While Arcadia is not a competitive camp, campers may participate in Inter-camp activities if they wish. These include: tennis tournaments, sailing regattas, horse shows, swim meets and dances with neighboring boys’ camps. Arcadia hosts some of these events and campers help prepare for these events.

All-Camp Events
Twice a summer, our counselor staff creates an unforgettable afternoon for the campers. There have been ‘Olympic Sunday’, a carnival, Harry Potter day, and the like. We group campers into teams and work together by dressing in team colors, creating team chants and completing a series of fun initiatives.

Sundays at Arcadia
Sundays are relaxed. We rise a bit later than the weekday, often to enjoy casual outdoor breakfast. We gather for a non-denominational Sunday meeting in the pine grove, where themes of friendship, the environment and community spirit are featured. Campers and staff participate in our choir, and contribute musical talents, poetry and thoughts toward the weekly theme. In the afternoon, we enjoy a hearty lunch together, followed by an extended rest hour. Campers spend the remainder of the afternoon swimming, reading, visiting with friends, taking a shower and participate in less structured activities.


Arcadia’s Birthday
Camp Arcadia celebrates its birthday in early July, complete with a special meal, cake, songs and celebrations.

4th of July
A fun-filled day begins at lunch with a cookout at the beach. To celebrate the diversity of our camp community, campers and staff sing their home state and country songs. In the afternoon, we gather in our pine grove to learn the meaning of the 4th of July. The day concludes with lodge skits, special songs and a bonfire at the beach.

Parent Visitation
Parents of campers who are staying the full season are able to visit their camper during one of the transition days during the summer.

Casco Days
The town of Casco, just a mile down the road, hosts this special weekend at the end of July. Campers can enter the 4 mile road race along our lake. Our staff helps the campers train in the preceding weeks. In the evening, our Counselor Training Group enjoys the midway, bingo and fireworks.

To celebrate a fun filled summer together, we conclude the season with a special banquet. Campers and staff will sit together by lodge. We all sing songs and enjoy the last day of camp together in a festive environment.

Final Assembly
A gathering to celebrate special achievements over the summer. We recognize campers who have demonstrated themselves in particular activities. Those who have participated in wilderness canoe and mountain trips are also recognized, along with campers who have earned other camp achievements. Final Assembly is followed by a casual outdoor supper together. Parents are invited to attend both events.